Wallick, K.N.* & Principato, S.M., 2020, Quantitative analyses of cirques on the Faroe Islands: Evidence for time transgressive glacier occupation, Boreas vol. 49; 828-840. doi.org/10.1111/bor.12458
Bondi, B.A.,* Monani, S.B., Principato, S.M., Barlett, C, 2020, Examining the impact of climate change film as an educational tool, Applied Environmental Education & Communication; doi.org/10.1080/1533015X.2020.1780997
Ipsen, H.A.*, Principato, S.M., Grube, R.E.*, and Lee, J. F.* 2018. Spatial analysis of cirques from three regions in Iceland: Implications for cirque formation and palaeoclimate; Boreas. Vol. 47, 565-576. DOI: 10.1111/bor.12295
Monani, S., Principato, S., Gorcyzca, D.*, and Cooper, E.* 2018. “Loving Glacier National Park Online: Climate Change Communication and Virtual Place Attachment” In The Handbook of Climate Change Communication, editors Walter Leal Filho et al. Netherlands: Springer Press.
Spooner, I., Principato, S., Hill, N., White, H.*, Dunnington, D., Neily, T., and Stolze, S., 2017 Late Holocene records of changing moisture regime from wetlands in southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada: Implications for wetland conservation and restoration. Northeastern Naturalist, vol. 24(3), 331 – 348. https://doi.org/10.1656/045.024.0310
Principato, S. M., Moyer, A. N.*, Hampsch, A. G.*, and Ipsen, H. A.*, 2016, Using GIS and streamlined landforms to interpret palaeo-ice flow in northern Iceland. Boreas, doi: 10.1111/bor.12164
Principato, Sarah M., and Lee, Jessica, F.*, 2014, GIS analysis of cirques on Vestfirðir, northwest Iceland: implications for palaeoclimate. Boreas. vol. 43, p. 807–817. doi: 10.1111/bor.12075
Carlson, A.E., Principato, S.M., Chapel, D.M., and Mickelson, D.M, 2011, Quaternary Geology of Sheboygan County, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Bulletin 106, 32p.
Principato, S.M., and Johnson, J.*, 2009, Using a GIS to quantify patterns of glacial erosion on northwest Iceland: Implications for independent ice sheets, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, vol. 41, p. 128 – 137.
Principato, S.M., 2008, Holocene glacier fluctuations and sea level changes one eastern Vestfirdir, Boreas, vol. 37, p. 132- 145
Andrews, J.T., Hardardottir, J., Stoner, J., and Principato, S.M., 2008, Holocene sediment magnetic properties along a transect from Isafjardardjup to Djupall, northwest Iceland, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, vol. 40, p. 1-15.
Principato, S.M., Geirsdottir, A., Johannsdottir, G., and Andrews, J.T., 2006, Late Quaternary glacial and deglacial history of eastern Vestfirdir, Iceland, using cosmogenic isotope (36Cl) exposure ages and marine cores, Journal of Quaternary Science, vol. 21, p. 271 – 285.
Principato, S.M., Jennings, A.E., Kristjansdottir, G.B., and Andrews, J.T., 2005, A comparison of diamicton units from the SW and N Iceland Shelf: Implications for the glacial history of Iceland, Journal of Sedimentary Research, vol. 75, no. 6, p. 968 – 983.
Carlson, A.E., Mickelson, D.M., Principato, S.M., and Chapel, D.M., 2005, The genesis of the northern Kettle Moraine, Wisconsin: Geomorphology, vol. 67, p. 365- 374.
(* student co-author)